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August 2019 – Cherry Creek Innovation Campus Grand Opening

Cherry Creek School District (CCSD), JHL Constructors, Inc., and the DLR Group celebrated the grand opening of the new Cherry Creek Innovation Campus (CCIC) on Thursday, August 1. The new 117,000 square-foot facility will serve high school students across the CCSD. The enhanced college-and career-based facility will support multiple educational pathways including advanced manufacturing, business services, culinary/hospitality, health services, infrastructure engineering, IT/STEAM, and transportation, including aviation and automotive specific spaces. The facility will include a variety of learning environments and social spaces from traditional classrooms for instruction, to more intense labs and industry-specific spaces that support real-world training or trade certification programs. The center of campus includes an “i-commons” area that features a “TED Talks” multimedia wall, a learning stairway, and a “Grab-n-Go” food and beverage station with items prepared by culinary students. The building features large glass elements, and an open-design where students and staff can see from one end of building to the other. CCSD will start classes in the new campus on Monday, August 12. For more exciting stories and information on the CCIC and the new future of education this campus offers check out:

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