
Construction Executive

Education / Training

Bachelor of Science - Construction Management, Georgia Southern University

Professional Organizations

AGC Young Leadership Program (in Georgia) and Future Leaders Forum (in Colorado)

Community Involvement / Volunteer Activities

ALS Association

Favorite Project

We removed the top off an existing air traffic control tower, raised the tower by 30’, and built a new cab on top. This project required extensive investigation, surgical demolition, and innovative construction techniques as it all occurred 120’+ in the air at an operational Marine Corps Air Station and had to be completed with no airfield downtime.

What I Like Best About JHL

JHL has a strong family culture that is contagious to anyone that has the opportunity to work with us.

Favorite Pastime / Hobby

Golf and backpacking

First Car

Jeep Wrangler

Drink Of Choice

Good bourbon with an ice cube

Favorite Food

Southern BBQ

Most Interesting Place I’ve Traveled


The Superpower I Would Want

I would like to be able to fly or be able to talk to my dogs.

Words To Live By

Do what you say you are going to do, when you say you are going to do it, and do it right the first time.