Sr. Superintendent
Years in Construction
Favorite Project
Kim K-12 Campus - it was my first job with JHL and I got to work with a great team and amazing community.
Community Involvement
Habitat For Humanity
What I Like Best About JHL
JHL is truly a family where everyone works together as a team. JHL knows how to have fun and makes it easy to come to work.
Favorite Pastime / Hobby
Fishing, hunting, and traveling
Drink Of Choice
First Car
1947 Willy’s Jeep
Favorite Song / Artist
Hotel California, Eagles
Favorite Restaurant
Sushi Den
Most Interesting Place I’ve Traveled
Loretto, Mexico - traveling to Europe soon
The Superpower I Would Want
Time Travel
Words To Live By
“The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself.” - Mark Caine