Home Featured Project – Leadville Sanitary Collection Replacement

Leadville Sanitary Collection Replacement

The Leadville Sanitation District has contracted JVA Consulting Engineers and JHL Constructors for replacement of the sanitary sewer system throughout select areas in the City of Leadville. Work will be completed in two phases. Phase 1 work is complete and Phase 2 work will be completed May through September of 2025.

Work will generally include pavement sawcutting and removal; removal of the existing sanitary main and access manholes; installation of new sanitary main, service connection tie-ins to the new main, and new access manholes; and restoration of asphalt pavement, concrete surfaces, and alley areas.

Work areas are identified in the map below.

Information on other construction projects and road closures in the City of Leadville are available on the City’s website at the link below:

Home Featured Project – Leadville Sanitary Collection Replacement



Thursday, October 10, 2024

Restoration completed at Pine Street, Spruce Street, West 7th Street, and East 8th Street.

You may continue to see workers and City/District personnel over the coming days as final inspections area completed.


Phase 1 Work Areas

Work Complete.

Phase 2 Work Areas

Work to resume May through September 2025.

Please check back next spring for additional information and work area sequencing.



What to Expect

Road Closures and Construction Traffic

Full road closures will be required to facilitate the sanitary collection system replacement. Closures will be limited within the work areas to the extent practicable to allow for sanitary replacement and bypass pumping operations. Traffic control plans for the work will be permitted through the City of Leadville, and detour routes will be posted around work areas. Work will be contained to the public right-of-way, and access to private property is not anticipated at this time. Please obey all construction signage and observe road closures for your safety and to help expedite work. Please be prepared for delays with changing road closures and additional construction related traffic around the work areas.

Work areas will be restored to preconstruction conditions. Some areas may be temporarily restored to allow for early public access after the sanitary replacement is completed and prior to final restoration.

We are committed to maintaining a safe environment for the public and our crews. Please reduce speeds around work areas, obey signage and direction given from crews, watch for crews and construction equipment, and do not enter construction areas. Please report any observed unsafe conditions to the emergency contacts provided below.

Service Outages and Interruptions

Water and sanitary service outages will be required during active work to complete the sanitary collection system replacement. Bypass pumping will be performed during work hours to limit service outage areas to the extent practicable. Service outages will be required daily during work hours (7:00 AM to 5:00 PM), and service will be restored for use during non-working hours and weekends.

Notifications will be provided to inform properties of upcoming service interruptions/outages, which will include anticipated outage dates and times. The notifications will be posted on the residences and/or businesses of properties that will experience outages/interruptions a minimum 48-hours in advance of the outage/interruption.

Bypass Pumping

Bypass pumping will be performed during work to limit service outage areas to the extent practicable. Pumps, hoses, and other bypass equipment will be deployed in the public right-of-way around work areas. Some of the road closures you will observe around work areas are required solely for pumping operations. Please obey all construction signage and observe road closures for your safety and to help expedite work.

Project Team

JHL Constructors

General Contractor
Lupe Felix

JVA, Inc.

Janet Hausmann

Leadville Sanitation District

Joshua Miller

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